Confronted with the Obstacle of Blessing

Even though the spies described the promise land as beautiful and plenteous, they also came back with additional information regarding this land.  They described the land as filled with great walled cities and warriors that were giants, strong and skilled in war.  In fact, they described themselves as grasshoppers next to these warrior giants.  Although the information was factual, it obscured the promise with doubt and fear.  The people then began to weep being overwhelmed with fear and hopeless unbelief.  The blessing, the promise made by God, had now become impossibility in their minds.   Their focus had now shifted from the promise that God made, from trusting His word, to the obstacles that lay ahead.  Like the children of Israel, many are enthused about the promise of blessing.  However, the obstacles seem to detour their eyes of faith from the promise of God’s word to the defeating circumstances that lies ahead.