Will You Come Into the Land?

Num 14:23 “Surely they shall not see the land which I sware unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that provoked me see it”

About a year ago, I was praying and communing with God about the condition of the modern church.  I was thinking about the ideas and philosophies that have subtly crept into these church assemblies.  My heart broke under the burden for the present lack of fervor and desire for the spiritual moving and renewal of the Holy Spirit.  For instance, churches that were once recognized as “Pentecostal” in the Book of Acts sense of the term, not the New Age definition, are now deemphasizing the workings of the Holy Spirit.  It is as though the mindset of the people have now been programmed to desire the approval of society and the world rather than the approval of God; seeking the acceptance of men rather than a genuine demonstration of the Holy Spirit among them.  When you ponder such a condition, you know that God’s intent for His church is absent in these assemblies.  The activity that many of these churches see are people joining what I have personally referred to as “The Club called Christianity” through mere mental assent.  However, the joining of this club is not a true conversion through regeneration by the Holy Ghost bringing them into the Body of Christ.  While interceding for this problem, the Holy Spirit spoke something into me.  He stated that “due to their unwillingness, due to their own lack of hunger and desire, due to their own disobedience, due to THEIR UNBELIEF, they will not attain to the blessing that I have prepared in these last days.”