An Upside Down Generation

upside down generationThis generation presents an interesting challenge.  It is in this generation, for the first time in my life, I understand the weight of the words so frequently stated in the New Testament; “Last Days.”  When I consider the mind-sets of this culture concerning Christianity, church, eternity, integrity, common sense, politics, or just the simple determination of right and wrong, I truly understand the full impact of “we are living in those last days” the Bible described so long ago.  I have recognized what used to be absolute and objective in its definition, is now relevant, situational, or subjective, and that is the defining of right and wrong; up and down.  Thinking is now upside down: what used to be considered evil, is now called good, and what used to be good is called evil.  This generation appears to be completely void of conscience and consideration for the standards of God.  Churches now look for strategy & manipulation to appeal to this generation for membership rather than present the gospel TRUTH in living power.  Because of this seeker-sensitive mentality, the truth of God’s Word becomes more and more, in the minds of today’s generation, just another antiquated religion they can follow or not follow.  The truths of right and wrong are no longer defined by churches in this generation; it is about tolerance and compromise.  Let me clarify this point: Christianity is NOT religion, it is a living, thriving, growing relationship with Jesus the Christ.  Jesus who lives and works through the lives of those who truly know Him as savior.  Unfortunately, there will be many lost eternally because they reject the only way, the only truth, the only life thinking all along there are many roads to Heaven; many ways of thinking which will bring man to God, believing there is no authoritative, definitive standard for right and wrong; all they have to do is satisfy their own code for living.  I have often stated: “there is only one way to God’s house, and that is by going God’s way.  You can’t pick your own way to His house simply because you don’t like the route He has in place.”  The Word of God has defined right and wrong and only those who receive Jesus into their hearts as their Lord & Savior, only those who are born again by the Word and Spirit of God, and are doing the words of God, will see the Kingdom of God.  “Lord, revive your church so we may once again raise the banner of your righteousness to this sin darkened world and demonstrate the life of Jesus.”