
“Last Days” are apparent

In this day we are presently living in, there are many things which have become apparent to me.  However, one of the most obvious and, I have to say, surprising, and maybe not, is that we live in a time where the word  “Remnant” would describe this day very accurately.  I have noticed there are more people than ever before “turning away from The Truth of God’s Word” to fables.  You might ask “fables?”  Yes, fables.  One might logically say, “who would want lies instead of the truth?” but it is happening as the Holy Spirit said it would many years ago.  Even though we see an increase in numbers of those who might attend a church, numbers upon numbers professing Christianity, going through the rituals of “church,” it is not the gospel of Jesus Christ they are truly attending to.  It is deception at its highest level.  One day while praying, the Holy Spirit brought the days of Elijah to my mind.  In his time, Israel had gone away from God and began to crowd the religion of that day, Baal worship.  They loved the religion in their country promoted by Ahab and Jezebel.  It was a very accommodating religion to the way they wanted to live.  I was astonished at a people who had known the truth of God so well, and yet, turn away from His Truth to empty idol worship violating the commands of the true God.  While Elijah felt the loneliness of his devotion to the true God, one day expressing his discontent, God informed him there were 7,000 who had not bowed their knee to Baal.  God wanted Elijah to know even though millions were following the religious practices of Baal, even though the entire nation of Israel had deserted God, even though it might appear there were no other people still devoted to the true God, there was a small remnant.  God informed him there were 7,000 who rejected the popular religion of their day; 7,000 who remained true and devoted to the one true God.  When you think about 7,000 in contrast to millions, it becomes distressingly obvious deception had taken its toll; it becomes self-evident there are really only a small number of people, from God’s perspective, going to God’s Heaven.  The road to Heaven truly is narrow and there is positively only a few on it.  Allow me to bring this to a close; today, even though it appears there are millions upon millions who are religious, there is truly only a remnant of people who are pursuing God, who truly love God, who are devoted to God, and sincerely hunger for His truth.  Let me encourage you today, if you are a part of this “remnant,” guard the truth of God’s Word in your heart and stand fast in Him for we are on the verge of our “catching away” into Heaven.