“Hath God said…”

In the very beginning of time when God had just created Man and Woman, they were placed in a beautiful garden they were instructed to maintain. Within this garden God had created, there were two trees the Bible mentions: The Tree of Life which would enable Adam and Eve to eat and live forever, and another tree which the Bible called, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Now God commanded man to eat from every tree in the garden as he desired for food. God had placed no restrictions upon any tree for food except for the one called the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. God had warned man that on the day he ate from this tree, he would absolutely die. Just a quick note; it is quite interesting to observe how much they desired the one thing God had said No to even with all of their freedom in the garden. We are not sure how much time had progressed, however, it is speculated it wasn’t very long when one day the serpent asked Eve a question. The serpent began his question with, “hath God said…?” which is what I would like to speak about. I have noticed in the time we are living in, many are departing from the faith of the gospel of Jesus Christ believing somehow this other “religion” will be just as good. You might ponder, what would make a person leave The Truth for another so-called “way?” I believe we are living in a moment where deception is beginning to ramp up. The lie hasn’t changed; the strategy remains the same. Simply stated, the enemy basically says: “how can I get them to question, to doubt, and even deny a faith in the true God and His Word?” As you can see, the enemy begins his strategy with attempting to cause a person to question the authority; the authenticity; the truthfulness of God’s word. If the enemy can steal just a moment of your mind in order to create a doubt, his sword has punctured your faith. Suddenly the victor becomes the victim of the enemy; that single moment you allowed has caused a tragic degeneration. I have often said; “when the enemy begins to speak, slam the door on him.” You cannot give him a second of your time or you might become vulnerable to his lie. God is faithful; God is true; it is impossible for God to lie. So when the enemy comes in and you hear his first few words begin with “hath God said…” When he comes in and attempts to get you to doubt God’s word, God’s will, God’s love, God’s faithfulness, God’s power, God’s authority, God’s ability, God’s purpose; when he comes in and says, “God can’t bring you through this;” or “God can’t heal your body;” or “God can’t supply that need;” remember he is a liar; his objective is to steal, kill, and destroy. In these last days, it is not simply a war on The Faith, the life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ, and the doctrines of God’s Word, but a relentless grapple for your faith in God, and His word. I will leave you with the words of Jesus: “…Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8b KJV)