Today I was reading over Jesus’ ministry (it’s amazing how any study in scripture leads you back to Jesus) and something caught my eye. Jesus is waiting for 30 years to fulfill the will of the Father: His ministry, death, and resurrection. During which time “The child grew and waxed strong in the Spirit, filled with wisdom: and… Continue reading Waiting on God
Author: Tim Williams
“Hath God said…”
In the very beginning of time when God had just created Man and Woman, they were placed in a beautiful garden they were instructed to maintain. Within this garden God had created, there were two trees the Bible mentions: The Tree of Life which would enable Adam and Eve to eat and live forever, and… Continue reading “Hath God said…”
“Last Days” are apparent In this day we are presently living in, there are many things which have become apparent to me. However, one of the most obvious and, I have to say, surprising, and maybe not, is that we live in a time where the word “Remnant” would describe this day very accurately. I… Continue reading 7,000
An Upside Down Generation
This generation presents an interesting challenge. It is in this generation, for the first time in my life, I understand the weight of the words so frequently stated in the New Testament; “Last Days.” When I consider the mind-sets of this culture concerning Christianity, church, eternity, integrity, common sense, politics, or just the simple determination… Continue reading An Upside Down Generation
Fear Not
1 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” In the life of every true believer, at one time or another, there is a truth which goes unrealized. It is the profound assurance God is not the author of a… Continue reading Fear Not